Essays, Papers, AndPresentation Materials

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Welcome to Makimoto Library!

This library is a collection of the works of Dr. Tsugio Makimoto in the form of essays, papers, and presentation materials.
He has devoted most of his professional carrier to the field of semiconductors since late 1950’s until today. He has been engaged in various types of devices from germanium transistors, to ICs and LSIs, to memories and microprocessors, and to SoC of today, while assuming various corporate positions including Senior Executive Director and Corporate Chief Technologist of Hitachi.

This library is the summary of activities of one of long survived semiconductor veterans.

Exhibit Ⅰ is the description of dynamic evolution of semiconductors in which underlying theme is the rise and fall of Japanese semiconductors and how it impacted the author’s personal life.

Exhibit Ⅱ is the brief history of MPU business at Hitachi how it started from the second source business to its own original MPU business, achieving the highest level of energy efficiency of MPU for HPC in late 1990’s.

Exhibit Ⅲ is the record of commemorative speech in the occasion of “Global IT Award” received from the President of the Republic of Armenia. The emphasis will be placed on how semiconductor innovations impacted our societies.

Exhibit Ⅳ is the invited paper on IEEE Computer (Dec., 2013) which was the special issues on “Computing Laws Revisited”. This paper is one of five invited papers including Metcalfe’s Law and Moore’s Law, etc.

Exhibit Ⅴ is the invited paper on IEEE Solid State Circuit (Winter, 2013) which covers brief history of CMOS innovation, and how it became the mainstream of semiconductor devices.

Exhibit Ⅵ is the collection of presentation materials starting from the invited speech at Dataquest Conference in 1981 to Keynote Speech at COMPSAC 2015. Total of 17 presentations are selected from the viewpoint of historical significance.

I wish you will enjoy and, hopefully, learn something from the visit to this library.

Tsugio Makimoto
Director of SHMJ


Author's Biography


Biography of the Author

Academic Career

Dr. Makimoto received his BS/Applied Physics from the University of Tokyo in 1959, MS/EE from Stanford University in 1966, and Ph. D. from the University of Tokyo in 1971. He was nominated an IEEE Fellow in 1997, and he is currently an IEEE Life Fellow.

Professional Career

Dr. Makimoto received his BS/Applied Physics from the University of Tokyo in 1959, MS/EE from Stanford University in 1966, and Ph. D. from the University of Tokyo in 1971. He was nominated an IEEE Fellow in 1997, and he is currently an IEEE Life Fellow.

Major Achievements

His major achievements include the leadership in converting the industry mainstream from NMOS to CMOS by the commercialization of high speed memories and microprocessors based on the reengineered CMOS technology. He took the leadership in the commercialization of the RISC based microprocessors, SH MPU, featuring the highest class of MIPS/W available at the time. The SH family contributed to opening the new market segment called “Digital Consumer Segment”, including digital camera and H/PC or Hand-Held PC.

He also discovered the cyclical nature of semiconductor industry which was later named as “Makimoto’s Wave”.

Major Awards

He jointly received IR-100 in 1979 “for the development of high speed CMOS SRAM”. He was awarded Bellwether Award from Semico Research in 2003 “for his vision, leadership, and outstanding contributions to the semiconductor industry”, Global IT Award from the Republic of Armenia in 2013 “for his global contribution to the humanity through the progress of IT”, and IEEE Robert Noyce Medal in 2018 “for technical and managerial leadership in CMOS memory and microprocessors”.
